They say your kitchen is the hub of your home. House and dinner parties generally revolve around the kitchen, and you’re there three times every day for meals. If it wasn’t for the centrepiece of your kitchen, the refrigerator, we doubt your kitchen would be as popular as it is now.

Your fridge runs 24/7 and keeps all your food and drinks fresh. When your old fridge bites the dust, you may be wondering what refrigerator you should buy now. It’s not as simple as walking in a store and walking out with a new fridge and having it installed that day!

Here’s our expert guide to buying a new refrigerator and what to expect regarding maintenance and warranties:

Step 1: Measure four things!

The very first step is to measure the space you have for your fridge. It requires you to take four measurements:

  1. The width of the area (most fridges are between 24-36 inches wide)
  2. The height of the area (especially if it fits under a cabinet)
  3. The depth of the area (this is typically 24-25 inches, but keep in mind that fridges often exceed this so the doors can open more fully)
  4. The dimensions of any doorways or hallways it needs to pass through to get to your kitchen (it would be devastating if your fridge didn’t fit through the front door)

Have these four measurements handy when browsing for a new refrigerator. It can’t hurt to measure them all twice or have a second person measure them too to ensure they are as accurate as possible.

Step 2: Choose a style

Unlike the “iceboxes” of yesteryear, Refrigerators come in many different styles and brands, depending on what you need and the space you have:

Top Freezers

This is considered the basic or classic design, where the fridge has a freezer on the top. The freezer section is often smaller than bottom freezers, and the appliance generally lacks any bells and whistles.

Ideal for: budget-conscious families, or if you have a small kitchen

Bottom Freezers

These refrigerators have a larger freezer on the bottom than models with the freezer on the top. These units have a freezer that’s a pull-out drawer style too.

Ideal for: budget-conscious families who want a bigger freezer and easier access to fresh items


With two, side-by-side doors this fridge has a freezer on the left and a refrigerator on the right. These fridges don’t often fit many drawers or compartments but can sometimes come with more premium features like in-door ice makers.

Ideal for: smaller families with narrow kitchens

French Door

This style has a freezer on the bottom and two doors on the top. They are larger, so they have space for more compartments, shelving, and bells and whistles. As a result, they are more expensive than more basic models.

Ideal for: larger families with bigger budgets and space for a bigger fridge.

Step 3: Know your needs.

Knowing the size of your fridge will help you narrow down your options. Now you can begin filtering by different features and characteristics of the refrigerator. Here are some things to consider:

  • How big is your family?
  • Do you plan to freeze a lot of food?
  • How many fruit and vegetables do you buy?
  • How much meat do you usually keep in the fridge?
  • What beverages do you typically consume?

Then you can look at what is generally considered as nice-to-haves, including:

  • Built-in ice maker
  • Water dispenser in the door (you’ll need to install a direct water line to your fridge)
  • Touch-screen display for settings (or watching TV or playing music)
  • Dual temperature controls

Step 4: Choose finishes

Fridges come in a variety of exterior finishes to match any kitchen. Most are stainless steel silver or black, but some models come in vibrant colours like red, blue, and yellow.

The manufacturer can also be an important consideration for some families. If you want your kitchen appliances to match, consider getting ones made by the same manufacturer or even within the same product line. If you choose to mix and match major appliances in the kitchen, consider getting ones in the same finishes for visual consistency.

Step 5: Consider the EnergyGuide Rating

Newer refrigerators are much more energy-efficient than their predecessors, but not all are equally as efficient. Look for the Energy Star logo for appliances that are in the top 25% of all similar products in terms of energy efficiency.

In Canada, fridges come with an EnergyGuide Rating. It estimates how many kWh the appliance will use with average use every year and how that compares to other similar products. It may also calculate the approximate electricity cost to run the unit for one year.

About Refrigerator warranties

It’s also important to understand any warranties your new fridge comes with. New fridges come with a standard manufacturer’s warranty of 1 year. At Westcoast Appliance Gallery, you can purchase an extended warranty to go beyond that for additional peace of mind.

About Refrigerator Installation

Be sure to ask if the price includes installation and delivery. If not, that could add a couple of hundred dollars to your costs. Don’t forget to ask about financing options if it’s too much to pay at once.

Protect and maintain your Refrigerator

When you invest in a new fridge, you want it to perform at its best and last as long as possible. This is why you want to do basic maintenance on the refrigerator. Here are some maintenance and cleaning tips for your fridge:

  • Clean spills as soon as possible to avoid staining or mould growth
  • Check door seals aren’t cracked or broken (this can decrease the efficiency of your fridge and prevent it from maintaining proper temperatures)
  • Clean the coils behind the refrigerator twice a year (gently remove any dust and debris with a vacuum and brush attachment)

It’s also important to know what to do in a power outage. If left closed, a fridge could keep food cool for up to four hours and a freezer for 48 hours if full (24 hours if half-full). Every time you open the refrigerator, that time is reduced. Plan to transfer food to coolers or hook your fridge to a generator to help avoid food spoilage.

Ready to buy your next Fridge?

WestCoast Appliance Gallery has a wide range of top-of-the-line fridges in all sizes, every budget, and with any bells and whistles you desire. Browse our refrigerator inventory online or visit us at our Victoria, BC showroom to test them for yourself!

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